Radish Microgreens (RM) V/S Radish Counterpart (RC):
- RM has 300% more Magnesium than RC.
- RM has 251% more Potassium than RC.
- RM has 184% more Calcium than RC.
- RM has 189% more Vit B9 (folic acid) than RC.
- RM has 166% more omega 3 fatty acids than RC.
How above facts help us??
- Magnesium is essential for maintaining blood pressure, healthy bones and nerves and boost immunity.
- Potassium reduces blood pressure and water retention, increases bone density, boosts heart health
- Calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth, supports nervous system, reduces high blood pressure
- Folic Acid prevents birth defects in babies brain and spine
- Omega 3 fatty acids prevents depression and anxiety, improves eye health and heart function, reduces symptoms of ADHD in children.